Monday, January 12, 2009

Goals..... oh..and arobics class :)

So I went and worked out tonight at the Rec in a water arobics class. Anyone who ever said that water arobics isn't hard has never been, or maybe its because I haven't worked out in forrreeevver! This is the beginning of me working out more and taking better care of my body. Maybe I can even get back to where I was in high school :) haha if I am lucky. Tonight was good though, I forgot how much better I feel when I have worked out. I am trying to eat better too but let's not get ahead of ourselves and take one step at a time haha.

Lately I have been thinking about changing some things in my life. 1. focusing on school more and getting better grades (even though its not my favorite thing in the world) 2. go to church EVERY Sunday and focusing more of my time on God. 3. taking better care of my body. 4. watching my language (oops) I am not too bad but I need to be better :) I have set a goal for myself to really work on these things and come to be a better person for me!

Well I am off to watch my favorite reality show The Bachelor. Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Where are you guys going to church? If they have small groups or sunday school- joining would really help your wanting to go. Just some way to form relationships! You can come to mine- if you don't mind the drive !